Carter’s Magical Events aims to leave you as a satisfied customer. If you have made a purchase you are dissatisfied with please email us at with details of your purchase and we do our best to help you. This returns policy sets out how to request to return and receive a refund and how we will work with you. Please read this policy, and get in touch with us before considering returning any items.
You can receive a full refund if you decide to cancel your purchase within 14 days of receiving your item. In this instance, you need to contact us within the 14 days to let us know you wish to cancel the purchase and the product must be returned to Carter’s Magical Events within 14 days of us responding.
After the 14 day period you can only return an item if it is unopened and unused or faulty.
In the case of faulty items we will reimburse your return postage as long as we have agreed this and approved the cost before the item is posted back to us. We will only cover standard shipping costs for faulty items.
All products must be returned, intact, complete with original packaging. We reserve the right to refuse the return of products that have been damaged in transit (so please ensure you have packed the product securely), or where the package has been damaged. including where shipping labels have been attached directly to the product packaging.
If the product is not faulty and was sent to you with free shipping/shipping included, our shipping cost will be deducted from your refund.
We will only accept returns from the original purchaser, if your product was a gift, please ask the person who bought you the item to get in touch. This is to help prevent fraud and ensure the correct person is refunded though our payment system.
This return policy does not apply to downloads or consumable items.
Unopened, unused products may be returned up to 60 days after purchase and opened products may only be returned up to 30 days after purchase. Please check your products and get back to us as soon as you can if you find a faulty product.
No return for any reason will be accepted unless the original buyer has contacted us through email and we have responded to your query.
The terms of this return policy may be updated at any time.
Carter’s Magical Events, 24 Eastwood, Sheffield, S6 1TU, UK
07549 167 622
Last updated September 2022